داستان آبیدیک

compliance officer


1 حقوق:: Compliance Officer | مأمور بررسی انطباق | هم اینگلیسی نوشته شود هم فارسی

Document Owner Chief Compliance Officer As a result, Danone requires all employees to raise concerns with the Cluster Compliance Officer or Head of Legal as soon as they become aware of potentially anti-competitive conduct (see section 7). The Cluster Compliance Officers ("Cluster-COs")1, in their respective areas of responsibility, - or, alternatively, and following a decision by the respective Cluster-General Secretary, a designated member of the Cluster Legal team - 1 Or, where designated according to the rules set out in the Compliance Framework Policy (section 6.1), Compliance Officers on the levels of the WBUs, WBS, RBUs, RBS and CBUs.

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